Monday, February 12, 2007

Code Hazel

We are watching The Motorcycle Diaries in Spanish class today and tomorrow. It just so happened that a blogger I read posted this picture of Gael Garcia Bernal (she credited the NYT Magazine) in her blog today.

I think my heart actually stopped beating when I saw it. So now you know how to kill me.


Anonymous said...

I really, really liked this actor -- until I found out he was *quite* petite. Somehow, 5'3" does not do it for me -- ??? How do they manage to photograph him in movies so that he looks TALL???

LavaLady said...

Petite though he may be, it's those eyes (okay, and his jawline, his smile, his shiny hair, his shoulders...sigh)!

He's such a handsome man. And although 5' 3" is even short for my usual tastes, I'm sure accomodations can be made.

Seriously, that picture makes my heart skip a beat every time I look at it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, I agree, those EYES (swoon) ...