Thursday, September 17, 2009

Truly, I do

I think about posting a lot, but can never seem to get there. Right now I'm on the tail end of a Joan Crawford jag on Netflix, and thinking about starting up with Bette Davis.

I'm reading a book called Sofie's World, which bills itself as a history of philosophy, and so far I quite like it. I haven't much patience for reading, but I'm making my way through it.

Mostly though, at least this week, I feel quiet - not much to say.

So while I truly do want to post more, the spirit isn't willing.

1 comment:

Ungruntled said...

Quiet sometimes means we're building energies for something to come, a kind of calm before the storm, whether we know it or not.

Next thing you know, your sails unfur'l, and you're throwing wake, the salt in your nostrils, the stiff breeze in your hair.

Just a thought . . .