Sunday, July 13, 2008

...I'm holding my hand out to you...

...and you're walking away...

From Joan Jett's latest album, "Sinner".

I had the pleasure of seeing Joan Jett and the Blackhearts play at the Beloit Riverfest this past Saturday.

They were so fantastic. Joan Jett is amazing, sexy, and can rock like no one's business.

I immediately needed to buy her album (downloaded from her website) this morning, and I've been listening to it constantly whenever I can.

Aside from one dud ballad ("baby blue", which I just can't get into), the album is fantastic.

One of my favourites is "Bad Time" (this post gets it's title from that song), but the album has more than one gem on it.

Highly rec'd.

You can sample the album at her website.

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